“Youth all over the world today is spiritually starved. The position of materialism is the very sap of humanity’s existence. Educate the youth in ethics and spiritual values. This is the practical nation-building activity and service. The India of tomorrow is being made in schools and colleges. We should direct our attention to these young ones who will be leaders of the country tomorrow. If moral and spiritual values are not inculcated from theearliest years, the nation will become a nation without a soul. The spiritual seed must besown in the youth. Only then will the plant grow into a big tree affording shelter to the entire humanity.Education is the root, culture is the flower and wisdom is the fruit. The present system of education in India needs a thorough drastic overhauling immediately. The ancient Gurukul system should be revived and adequately revised according to the needs of the time, so that the students might be able to derive maximum benefit from it. Education loses all its values if it does not have ethical discipline and spiritual culture as its foundation. Education is introduction to life. It is a process of drawing out all positive potentialities latent in the student.”
With this vision in view, Sivananda Centenary Boys' School was established with the blessings of Swami Chidananda Saraswati, the successor President of the Divine Life Society.